The Mid-America Regulatory Conference (MARC) is a 501(c)6 organization incorporated in Iowa in 1990. As a not-for-profit corporation representing fourteen states, MARC is organized to advance the interests of the public arising out of regulation of utility services in MARC states.
The MARC Board of Directors is comprised of the state commissioners from the 14 MARC states. The Board meets annually at the MARC Annual Conference and during the summer and winter meetings of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC). The MARC Executive Committee (composed of the MARC officers and one at-large member) meets throughout the year.
MARC hosts two conferences each year within the MARC region – an Annual Conference and a Commissioners Only Summit. MARC retains an Executive Coordinator, an Accountant, and a Development Consultant to plan and support the annual conference, manage administrative and financial tasks for the organization, coordinate the annual meeting and other events, and respond to other administrative needs as directed by the MARC Executive Committee. Potential sponsors are contacted by the Executive Coordinator or Development Consultant.
The individual MARC commissioners are responsible for following ethics requirements for their respective states. Questions about legal or ethical matters should be directed to the relevant state contact.
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